The New Covenant, Lesson #1 The New Covenant, Lesson #2 The New Covenant, Lesson #3 The New Covenant, Lesson #4 The New Covenant, Lesson #5 The New Covenant, Lesson #6 The New Covenant, Lesson #7 The New Covenant, Lesson #8 The New Covenant, Lesson #9 The New Covenant, Lesson #10 The New Covenant, Lesson #11 The New Covenant, Lesson #12 The New Covenant, Lesson #13 We are recipients of a new covenantTruth number one: We are recipients of a new covenant. We talked about how the superior covenant was inaugurated in Christ. We do not have to go offer blood sacrifices or offerings. The blood has been sacrificed once and for all, and Christ’s blood is sprinkled over our hearts to cleanse us from a guilty conscience, Hebrews 10 says, so that God remembers our sins no more. As a result of this new covenant, you and I have unlimited access into the presence of God, even at this very second. What Old Testament, old covenant, saints longed for, you and I experience at this very moment. The wonder of the thought that you and I, at this moment, have unlimited access to God because we are recipients of a new covenant. Unlimited access to very throne room of God and will for all of eternity. That’s awesome. Now, what we saw in Hebrews 10, though, was not just how this new covenant affects our relationship to God, although that is huge. It’s not just vertical. The new covenant has horizontal implications as well. In other words, the new covenant doesn’t just affect our relationship to God; the new covenant also affects our relationship to each other, and so that’s where the second truth comes in. We are members of a new communityWe talked about how we are recipients of a new covenant, and we are members of a new community. This is where we see in Hebrews 10, the author of Hebrews says, “Therefore, in light of the new covenant …” Three times he uses these two words. He says, “Let us … therefore, let us, in light of the new covenant, let us draw near to God. Let us hold fast to the hope we profess and let us not give up meeting together.” “Let us encourage one another” is what he says. David Platt, “A Church in Covenant,” in David Platt Sermon Archive (Birmingham, AL: David Platt, 2009), 2003–2004. | 21 Laws of Discipleship -- the book -- |